Monday, 16 May 2016

- 61 -

The Law

Revisiting - V

In the previous post I had mentioned about two approaches to setting goals which I prefer and recommend.

Both my approaches are incremental or stepwise processes. In one approach I know where I want to be finally and in the other My final goal evolves as I progress.

Let us take the first approach. I, at first, set the final goal or the end-of-life goal, which is big and a stretch goal but which I consider to be feasible, given the current reality and the probable time period that I have in hand to achieve the goal. I set a goal which I believe is possible to be achieved stretching myself. The word "believe" is important. The extent of stretch should be such that I do not lose confidence in myself to achieve it. I then set step goals or intermittent goals or milestone goals with time frames. The first milestone goal is based on the current reality. After I reach the first milestone within the time frame, I move towards the second milestone which will be more challenging than the first milestone. And thus I proceed.

The second approach draws flack from many proponents of The Law. Let me assure you, it works well. The final or end-of-life goal is also quantified here. But the goal for the first step is only set at the start. For example, my directional goal is that I will make a difference in education of 100 under privileged children in the next 20 years. I set the first step goal by intending to take 10 children within 2 year. I set my first target with a time frame considering my present reality. My targets are irrevocable. After I reach the milestone within the two years, I upgrade the target of next three years. I followed this dynamic model. I had determined to always upgrade the target. In the event of a temporary set back, I had to recalibrate the target without compromising on the end point targets. There may be personal hardships but the journey is on. I am making a difference.

When you strive for goals, without considering the current reality, and fail to realise the goals, your self image takes a hit. You lose faith in yourself and your self confidence takes a nose dive. Avoid this pitfall.

Raise the bar gradually. You just can not break the world record in pole vault by getting up one morning and setting the bar at the world record level and beating it in your first attempt. You have to target lower and then inch up. Your dream is to hold the world record. Currently you hold the record for state level championship. So put in the effort, acquire better skills to beat the national record. Practice more to break the Commonwealth record, the Olympic record and finally the World record. It is about persevering, putting in effort, acquiring better skills and believing in yourself. It is a journey.

Once you determine to do all that is needful for achieving the needful, once you throw out your intentions to the universe, once your desire becomes predominant in your mind, you will find new resources appearing, better mentors coming into your life and lot of apparently coincidences occur which put you in the right place at the right time. The Universe collaborates to give you what you want. The Universe will help you, if you make your intentions clear and back them up with action. You make the Universe to collaborate.


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