Thursday 29 September 2016

Attracting Abundance

The Law

Two Doors to Success

Happiness - I

If you take a poll of the entire world population, the one desire which will win hands down is the desire to be successful. Everyone wishes to be successful. 

The way people define success varies from individual to individual. For one success could be owning a pricey car, a villa, for another it would mean tons of money in the bank, for a third it could be winning an Olympic gold medal so on so forth. I have tried to arrive at a definition which fits all. I define success as "getting to where one had set out to reach". 

The problem with the desire to become successful is that very few people get to where he or she had desired to reach . I estimate that this is one area where even the 80-20 rule does not apply. Probably the rule is 99-1 or less. That is only a 1000 or less individuals in 100,000 get to where they had set out to reach. I am seeing a similar ratio of success when I am coaching people for their abundance. The script is same for everyone, but the success ratio is dismal.

Why does a human being face such difficulties in realizing his goal?

The answer that I have found is that most of us have shut two doors very tight. I will come to the two doors later.

I quote John Milton, the seventeenth century English poet: "The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven". Our interpretation of reality changes our experience of that reality. Those who see reality as depressive, stressful, difficult and negative will miss out on all opportunities right in front of them. Those who see the reality positively will grow, shine and succeed. Under the same set of environmental stimulus, one succeeds whereas may fail. So many of us live limited lives not because we have to, but we think we have to.

There is a plethora of books on motivation, inspiration, self help lining the book cases in shops and homes. This genre of books has become a multi billion dollar industry which indicates that a large number of people have the intention to improve. Is there then a shortfall in will to improve? Why the will is low? The answer that comes to my mind that a large proportion of people does not believe in what is prescribed in these books and therefore do not act to comply with the prescription mentioned in these books. And those who believe, have not the perseverance to stick to the course.And why do people not persevere? The answer is lack of focus which arises out a mind that is not happy. And why people do not believe? I find that the reason for not believing is because the prescription in these books has not been scientifically validated. The conventional rule for success is "harder you work, more successful you are". Anything which is not in agreement with this rule needs to be proven first. The question that is usually asked is how can you be happy when you are not successful?  How do we prove that when we ask this question we are putting the cart before the locomotive? In essence, how do we prove that success does not beget sustainable happiness, but happiness begets sustainable success?

Fortunately, we are in an era, when lot of cutting edge research papers have been published on the softer side of human beings - the psychology of an individual and its impact on the individual's character of life. It is empowering for a human being to know that the modern day research work, published and in progress, is devaluing the Darwinian theory of heredity determining the quality of life of an individual. The new research proves that it is the individual's responses to environmental stresses which determine the character of life. The gene is, after all, not all that powerful as Darwin and his followers had made out to be.

The two doors to success, to abundance which must be opened are the two red letter words in the post: happiness or a positive state of mind and belief, the "I can" attitude. I have already started posting my research driven findings on "belief". beginning this post, I am also going to write on "happiness" and the research driven findings.

The research papers are written in terminologies which are difficult to comprehend. I have attempted to be the bridge between the language of science and the language which is comprehended by a layman, which includes me as well. This required that I teach myself fundamentals of cellular biology. I have done that am confident of putting the language of science and research in proper perspective for a layman to understand. I also recommend that the readers gain some awareness of fundamental cellular biology from the posts that I have written under the label "Power to Attract". 

It has always been my firm belief that the wisdom of our ancient sages and scriptures, irrespective of the religion, was rich and full. We either stopped reading their wisdom, or stopped believing their wisdom. I will start the series with a brief summary of what the scriptures have to say on success, happiness and belief. I think this part will cover one post. And then we switch over to what is being proven scientifically.

I am trying to make you push the door open to Abundance by pointing out the enablers and explaining to you the impact of these enablers through scientific research. 


God bless


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