Saturday 24 September 2016

Attracting Abundance

- 124 -

The Law

Belief - XXXVI

The quality of life of the fetus inside the womb has significant influence on the health and behavior of an individual on long-term basis. The character of life in the womb determines to a large extent the susceptibility of an individual to a wide range pf diseases in later life namely osteoporosis, diabetes, coronary artery disease, obesity, mood disorders etc. Hence it is not the solely the genes of the parents that determines the quality of life of the child, but the life experience of the child beginning from the fetal state also plays an equal, if not ,ore, significant role. The parents transfer their heredity to the children not only through the genes but more by epigenetic mechanisms; by the environment they create for their children. It is very important the mother to focus on correct perceptions not only during and after conception but also prior to conception. We will come back to the "prior to conception" part later. It is the fathers responsibility to facilitate creation of proper mental and physical environment for the mother. It is always good to remember that epigenetic mechanisms have two sides; it can override the genetic code for good and it can override the genetic code for worse. It all depends of the quality of the environment.

A child is in his learning peak between the age of two and six. The brain of child is highly plastic so new neural pathways begin to form in the brain rapidly. A child needs to develop enabling neural pathways for a healthy life. For this the child has to experience a nurturing environment. Parents have a huge say in creating such an environment. these neural pathways develops the perceptions of the child that get etched in the sub-conscious part of the mind which in turn determines the way the child responds to stimuli throughout life. The etchings in the sub-conscious mind, once made, are indeed very very difficult to erase.

The human brain works at the lowest electrical frequency of 0.5  to 3 Hz (cycles per second) between its birth and the age of two years. The electrical waves of these frequencies are called "Delta" waves. In this state the mind is deeply relaxed. these are the slowest waves in human beings. Adults tend to produce less delta waves even during deep sleep. they are associated with unconscious bodily functions such as heart beat, digestion etc. A refreshing night,s sleep means adequate delta waves. Too much of delta waves in children beyond 2 years may indicate learning dis-abilities, brain injury, severe attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders.

After the age of two years waves of higher frequency viz. 4 to 7 Hz begin to appear and become predominant up to the age of six years. These waves are called "Theta" waves. This is the frequency where the hypnotists calm down the brain of their patients before suggesting new things. This frequency is also observed in adults during REM sleep. For an adult to reach this state consciously requires practices like meditation. This is a state of very deep relaxation. This is the frequency which coincides with maximum learning takes place and new neural connections are made rapidly, mostly under parental direction. Whatever the child sees, hears and learns at this stage becomes the "truth" as the conscious part of the mind has not matured enough to evaluate his experiences. Theta brain waves can be considered as the gateway to sub-conscious, the home of our belief and behavior. You must have noticed sometimes that your child is looking at something as if in a trance. He is in the theta wave state then Watch out for what he is looking at. have you heard of people walking on red hot coals without any burn? I have seen people doing it under conditions where no trickery was possible. Such people are in theta state when doing it.

After the age of six years, waves of higher frequencies begin to appear. These are called "Alpha" waves and have frequencies from 8 Hz to 13 Hz. This is also the time the child starts to become aware of the self. The child also starts to assert at this time. Adults who have problems with this frequency will have difficulty in remembering. This is the bridging frequency between the conscious and the subconscious.

At ages plus twelve the "Beta" waves start appearing. These waves have a frequency range of 14 Hz to 30 Hz. This frequency is associated with focused consciousness, the kind associated with reading. In beta state one is active and alert. This wave pattern is seen in adults in wakeful state and one is involved in conscious thought, logical thinking. This state allows us to focus and complete tasks . Too much of beta wave activity is an indication of stress and/or anxiety. the higher beta frequencies are associated with high levels of arousal when one takes caffeine or other stimulants. In adults, beta waves are predominant in in the day when they are engaged in completing conscious tasks such as reading, writing, analyzing etc.

Waves of frequencies higher than 30 Hz, "Gamma" waves are observed when the individual is involved in an activity which requires a high level of concentration from the individual. Gamma waves are important for learning, memory and information processing. It is important for learning new material. Individuals who have depression and learning disabilities tend to have lower gamma wave activity. Too much of gamma wave activity causes anxiety and/or stress.

By the time a child has reached adolescence, the coding or neural connections of his subconscious mind is more or less completed. The foundational set of stimuli-response coding has been derived from the genetic code to a some extent, and by exposure to parents' behavior to a larger extent; some are also picked up from the members of the extended family who held the child closely during the child's formative years starting from its infant days. It is not that sub-conscious is not re-writable; for it is. But it is very difficult thing to accomplish.

It is almost impossible to rewrite the subconscious with the "will power" or will of the conscious mind. We have learnt that the conscious mind is equipped with the ability to observe the self or "self consciousness". When not busy doing something else, the conscious mind can observe the sub-conscious mind unfold in the form of behaviors. The self-conscious mind can step in and interrupt a behavior and reverse it. But doing it once is not going to rewrite the subconscious stimulus-response code for that behavior. It has to be done repeatedly. There are two difficulties here. If the conscious mind is busy correcting one stimuli-response where is it going to find time for doing other tasks; filling up your tax return, preparing presentations, reading, writing etc.etc. The conscious mind is very slow as compared to the subconscious; subconscious mind processes about 20 million signals a second as compared to 40 signals per second by the conscious mind. And the second difficulty is that no one is guarding the door to the sub-conscious mind when the conscious mind is busy elsewhere. The stimuli for the habit which we are trying to correct may kick in when the conscious mind is busy elsewhere and the response or our behavior will be as per the code.

The duo of conscious and the sub-conscious mind is very helpful for learning new skills. I, for that matter any parent, will remember those trying days when we were teaching our child to write alphabets. It used to be real testing times activating our HPA axis, when the child will forget what it had been taught the previous days. After a few weeks things fell in place; the child started to write on its own. In the initial days the child had applied its yet immature conscious mind to the task and after becoming adept the skill passed on to the sub-conscious mind of the child. Once a learned skill rests in the sub-conscious, an appropriate stimuli will trigger execution of that skill. This also holds good if you want to make a new habit. But erasing an old habit is very difficult by conventional means. The good news is that with the evolution of quantum mechanics, a newer form of healing - Energy Psychology - is being rediscovered. Google "energy psychology" and you will learn quite a lot about it. This is not quackery. Judge for yourself.

A much better option to build the correct set of stimuli-response equations in the child's sub-conscious is to utilize the knowledge from what we have learn and create proper environments prior to conception. Did I say "prior to conception" by mistake? No, it was not a mistake. It will be clear when we enter into another area of learning in the next post - Genome Imprinting.

The parents have to start educating themselves and become aware of the most precious knowledge of the influence of epigenetics on their children. The parents owe this to their children that they are not dis-advantaged in their lives. I have listed the five best resources here. There are many more. There is a horde of scientific research papers on the subject.


See you again


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