Thursday 22 September 2016

Attracting Abundance

- 122 -

The Law

Belief - XXXIV

The Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is a biochemical pathway where information cascades from one area of the body to the other by means of chemical messengers. It is two way information system which has a feedback loop as well which can enhance or suppress the process of cascading of information.

When the hypothalamus receives signals from any of its many input sources about the genesis of an event creating disruption in homeostasis in the form of a alarming sensory stimulus, emotionally charged events, energy deficiency etc, the stress-response system gets activated.

Hypothalamus, on being stimulated releases corticotropin-releasing hormones (CRH). The CRH is targeted to the pituitary gland which then releases its own messenger, adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) in to the blood stream. The ACTH binds to the adrenal gland which then release the final key messenger in the cascade, cortisol. 

Cortisol has widespread effects in the body. Cortisol is one way the brain instructs the body to attempt to regain homeostasis by redistributing glucose (energy) to areas of the body that need it most, that is heart, brain etc and away from digestive, reproductive and immune systems among others, When the threat is no longer perceived or enough cortisol has been secreted in to the blood stream, the heightened level of cortisol in the blood stream eventually circulates to the pituitary gland and hypothalamus to which cortisol can bind and inhibit, essentially turning off the HPA stress response axis via the feedback loop.

It is when the body's HPA axis can not overcome a challenge and/or is chronically exposed to a threat that this system becomes overtaxed and can be harmful to body and brain.  A second harmful effect of cortisol is that it suppresses the immune system during a stressful situation, again for redistributing energy to the fight-or-flight organs. While not a major risk to the body if only for a short duration, it can have a devastating effect on body's immunity capability if the stressor assumes chronic proportions. A third effect is the slowing down of the digestive system, which starves the body of the nutrients and energy required for its maintanance. The fourth effect is that the blood vessels in the fore brain get constricted reducing the capability for intelligence which then causes more blood to flow to the hind brain which strengthens our habitual pattern oriented actions. Of course there are always exceptions or outliers.

I will ask you to understand chronic stress and its impact not only on the individual but trans-generational.

Chronic stress is a state of prolonged stress and has much more significant impact on our biology than the acute form of stress which are short lived kind of stresses. And please do remember that it is not really the stress but what we believe to be stress that counts most. I am not saying that none of the threats are real. While lots of stresses are real, we tax ourselves largely by perceived threats. Chronic stress can raise blood pressure, increase the risk of heart stroke, increase vulnerability to depression, hasten the aging process etc. Some of these pass on to the next generation as hereditary genetic code. Wound healing takes longer time in chronically stressed persons.

Chronic stress is associated with impairment of development growth in children due to lower production of growth hormones in the pituitary glands. It has been also established that the home environment is the primary source of nourishment or stresses for children. A home environment fractured by marital discord, abuse, alcoholism etc. can have devastating effect on the growth children. Chronic stress is seen to effect the parts of the brain where memories are processed and stored. In 2003, researchers established that depression retards the process of cell division in hippocampus, part of the nervous system associated with memory. Further research work is also pointing to the fact that chronic stress shrinks the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex , the center of reasoning.

Positive perceptions of the mind or solution oriented thinking of the mind in the face of real stresses enhance the immune function while inhibition of immune system activated by negative perceptions or problem oriented thinking in the face of stresses precipitate disease. These negative perceptions also create debilitating, chronic psychological stress that has a profound and negative impact on gene function.

Our stress-response system was designed for intermittent out-of-the way experiences or acute experiences for short duration. The chronic stress of the modern day lifestyle taxes our stress-response system causing psychological problems which manifest in to our biology. It is estimated that 90% of doctor visits in advanced countries is due to stress related disorders.

Dr, Bruce Lipton quotes the UCLA epigeneticist Cole who held social isolation or loneliness as the most important factor causing stress. Out of 19000 genes in a human body, Cole found markedly different gene expressions in 209 genes between social and lonely persons. In another study with children, Cole concluded that the difference in the kids'  perception of their environment - vulnerability and insecurity - caused difference in expression of their immune genes. Cole believed that social isolation was the determining factor which caused different perceptions. This conclusion found further support from the 2004 work of Yale psychiatrist Joan Kaufman, who studied 57 children who were removed from their homes where they were abused. the study measure the serotonin transporter gene (SERT) which has both a long for and a short form. Earlier studies had concluded that people who have the short version of SERT suffer from depression and anxiety. Joan's work also confirmed that conclusion. It also revealed something else. Joan tabulated her data of SERT variant with the kids' depression scores and their levels of social support (defined as contact at least once monthly with a trusted adult figure outside the house), that seemingly paltry social connection erased about 80% of the data that related SERT variant with depression. (Kaufman et al; 2004; Proceedings of National Academy of Science). 

The effect of stress signals on our biology is irrefutable. There are three important points we that have been made which are worth repeating and remembering:

  1. In the event of an acute stress, activation of HPA axis and the resultant rush of events are enablers for our survival. When the stress becomes chronic, the consequential events affect us.
  2. We cause lot of stress to ourselves by our perception of an event. I do not mean that all events should be viewed positively. That would be fooling ourselves. What I mean is that we should check ourselves from stretching the perceived consequential fall out of a stressful situation beyond proportions and we should keep ourselves engaged in solution oriented engagement to come out of the stressful situation.
  3. Lot of our stresses have their roots in the past. Most of us are addicted to some of our past memories. We hold to these memories and trigger them at randomly. A slight caused to us three decades ago still rankles us and riles us. While replaying those events we try to change the climax in such ways that they give us more satisfaction. We are extremely reluctant to let go of the past.
We have learnt that stress causes modifications in our biology some of which we pass on to our next generation by epigenetic mechanisms. I hold these three points very close to my heart. I am responsible for the well being of my biology and psychology. I am even more responsible that I pass a very healthy legacy down the line. I understand that the secret to being a better person is to change the frame of perception - the color of glasses that I wear. I understand that re-coding of the sub-conscious is the fundamental requirement for internalizing better perceptions and behaviors as the coding in the sub-conscious mind determines the character of my life.  I, therefore, refuse to drain my energy by sticking to inadequate belief. I also understand that the reorientation of my belief system is not going to happen in double quick time. I make conscious effort in examining my behaviors, which are reflections of my belief and use my self-conscious capability to correct the behaviors which are not adequate. I am a better person for putting in the effort.


See you


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