Sunday 18 September 2016

Attracting Abundance

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The Law

Belief - XXXI

Pert's work on emotions and their impact on our biology has been chronicled by her in her book "Molecules of Emotion" and "Everything you need to know to feel Go(o)d". She became the chief of brain biochemistry at National Institute of Health. Quite before that she discovered the opiate receptors. There are some postulations and revelations by Pert which have illuminated the world within us and outside us.

"I've always kind of known that the energy you emanate from within attracts the situations and people that you need. I've always known that but wasn't quite walking my talk. You would have thought that I could have figured this out by now. Bit is's really only in the last few months since the book came out that I've been able to really live this"........ Pert

Pert says that we are not just hunks of meat. We are vibrating bodies which generate and send out vibrations to other people. We broadcast and receive. This is probably the reason when you generate good vibes with some people because the vibrations are synchronous. This is why you get the eerie feelings sometimes that someone is watching you behind your back.

Just as the receptors for other neuro-peptides (Note: Peptide is two or more amino acid molecules linked in a chain. Polypeptides are combination of chains of amino acid molecules. Neuro-peptides are polypeptides molecules used by neurons to communicate with each other. Thus they are a type of neuro-transmitters that influence the activity of the brain and body is specific ways.) trigger a trigger a cellular response, opiate receptors pick up the presence of a neuro-transmitter for euphoria. Pert calls these euphoric chemicals as "bliss chemicals", and are conventionally known as endorphins. These are released by the brain and body in response to emotional states and to physical activities (including exercise and nursing).

The prefrontal cortex of the brain is responsible for complex, evaluative decisions. This part of the brain is loaded with opiate receptors. So structurally, our most sophisticated reasoning is linked to bliss. Th best results are therefore obtained when on is in a happy or blissful state which enables him to use his faculties optimally. Unfortunately we have been trained in the contrarian thinking that for good work you have to be serious and in no-play state.

Candace Pert's work emphasizes that emotions are created not only by the signals from the environment processed by the limbic system but also the mind, through self consciousness, can generate the "molecules of emotion". What is of greater significance is that the emotions created by self consciousness can override those created by environment sourced stimulii. Hence self consciousness used properly can improve the health of cells and therefore of the whole organism. Use improperly, self consciousness can be equally detrimental.

As the highest form of life, we human beings are blessed with a very special faculty - self consciousness. No other organism is equipped with this faculty. With self consciousness we can observe our behaviors, our habit patterns, our emotions and we can gain access to our short term and long term memories. With self consciousness we can peek in to our conscious and subconscious minds,

Note: Brain is an organ of the body. Mind is subtle. Brain is most associated with mind, but mind is not confined to brain alone. It is revealed that almost all cells in our body contain the same neural receptors. hence mind is distributed all through the body.

We have two minds or two parts of one mind: conscious and sub-conscious. The two parts are interdependent. The conscious part is the creative part with which we observe, feel, analyse, think, reflect and create plans of actions. Conscious mind is the source of our identity. It holds our aspirations, goals and desires.

The subconscious mind is a storage place where all our stimulus - response equations are stored. That is all our habits are stored here: be they instinctual or learned. It is also true that in most of us, the bad habits far outnumber the good ones. It is also a truth that the subconscious mind is way more powerful than the conscious mind. It is estimated that 95% of what we do is controlled by the subconscious. We are what our subconscious minds are.

Given the power of self consciousness, it is also true that we have the ability to change our response to a stimulus overriding the habit equations stored in our subconscious. that requires that we change the way we see a stimulus. The same stimulus can be seen by different individuals differently. This arises from the fact that our mindsets or perceptions or beliefs differ from one to the other. One important point to remember here is that while all other forms of organisms develop their stimulus - response equations by first hand experience, we human beings can adopt those equations by learning from others, especially those who are in a position to cast a large influence on us viz. parents on child. Such learning is very effective in the first six years of a child's life. So parents, be aware.

The conclusion is high impact and is worth repeating. You have genetic stimulus - response equations coded into your genes as instinctual behaviors and on top of that you have learned and internalized a few more in your subconscious mind. These responses get triggered when a complementary stimulus comes up. If you decide to change your perception or belief and, therefore the way your subconscious mind sees  the stimulus, the response changes, different electo-chemical signals flow to your cells, your behavior changes and YOUR BIOLOGY CHANGES.

Recall the few placebo experiments under controlled conditions I had cited in one of the earlier posts. These experiments were done to get positive outcome. Negative outcomes occur when negative beliefs are given.


See you again


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