Wednesday 14 September 2016

Attracting Abundance

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The Law

Belief - XXIX

Experimental studies have revealed that electromagnetic fields have significant impact on the channel proteins in the cell membrane, especially the ones through which Sodium, Calcium and Potassium ions enter the cell interior from the extra-cellular environment and vice versa. We have already learnt that the channel proteins control the cell membrane potential. The membrane potential serves two basic functions. It allows the cell to act like a battery, providing power to operate a variety of "molecular devices" embedded in the membrane. Second, in electrically excitable cells such as neurons and muscle cells, it is used for transmitting signals between different parts of a cell. Thus the superimposition of an energy field can alter the cell membrane potential causing dysfunction. Remember that the cell phone and other electronic gadgets that we keep near our body are sources for such electromagnetic fields.

Why the acceptability of such a powerful tool which influences the human health and wee being not been recognized or very slowly recognized by the traditional scientists. For the past two hundred years scientific thought has rejected the idea that mind and spirit can have any effect on the physical healing process. The scientific theory that, ultimately, all reality is physical and mind is a by-product of matter stems from the 17th century French philosopher Rene Descartes. During this same era, Sir Isaac Newton defined classical physics by formulating the law of gravity and the laws of motion that govern the behavior of individual material bodies in space. Newton’s laws supported the idea that physical matter was composed of hard, indivisible, billiard-ball like units called "atoms" by ancient Greek philosophers. By the end of the 19th century scientists had concluded that everything in the universe, including life and consciousness, was the result of entirely predictable interactions between physical atoms that are separated by empty space.
At the turn of the 20th century Albert Einstein published his now famous equation, E=mc2: energy (E) is equal to mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light squared (c2). Einstein had defined the hard stuff of matter in terms of invisible energy and weightless, transparent light! It was a truly revolutionary way to understand physical reality. As Bruce Lipton writes in The Biology of Belief, "Einstein revealed that we do not live in a universe with discrete, physical objects separated by dead space. The universe is one, indivisible, dynamic whole in which energy and matter are so deeply entangled it is impossible to consider them as independent elements." Einstein’s world-changing equation allowed quantum physics to describe physical reality both in terms of waves (electromagnetic frequencies) and particles (atoms). For instance, physicists know that light, when it is observed, is composed of small particles called photons; when unobserved, light is a wave of invisible energy!
The development of these theories led science to conclude that energy and matter are indeed one. This understanding has led to the exploration of the effects of electromagnetic fields, as well as our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings on the healing of our physical bodies. Quantum physics explains how biocommunication can occur instantly between living things even when distantly separated, as experiments by Cleve Backster and others have demonstrated (2003). Electromagnetic wave-fields are able to communicate information instantaneously over long distances (called non-locality by physicists) and have been shown to be a hundred times more efficient in biological communication and regulation than molecular substances such as hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters, etc. This would make sense because electromagnetic signals travel at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) while chemically-based interactions occur at the speed of only one half-inch per second.
Cell biologist Bruce Lipton suggests that every cell possesses perception and intelligence because it is able to recognize and respond appropriately to signals that convey information about its environment. He claims that the "brains" that control the cell reside not in its DNA, as previously thought, but in the cell membrane. He compares DNA to memory stored in the hard drive of a computer that contains different operating programs. These programs are passive blueprints that cannot function without receiving commands externally entered through the keyboard by an operator. It is the function of the cell membrane to provide commands to the DNA in the cell nucleus.
Cell membranes contain receptor proteins which are like sense organs that allow the cell to perceive its environment. Some signals that are perceived by the cell membrane are physical molecules like hormones, but receptor proteins can also recognize the vibrational energies of electromagnetic wave fields whether these are communicated by light, sound, heat, movement or as the conscious intention carried by thoughts and feelings. Lipton emphasizes this point by saying that "because receptors can read energy fields, the notion that only physical molecules can impact cell physiology is outmoded. Biological behavior can be controlled by invisible forces, including thought, as well as it can be controlled by physical molecules…a fact that provides the scientific underpinning for pharmaceutical-free, energy medicine."

I must give credit to those scientists who have dared to explore deeper and deeper to seek the truth. The result of their endeavor has been the two recent streams of research are generating very valuable inputs on the working of the human mind: Optogenetics and Clarity.  Both streams gave generated tremendous interest in the scientific community for non-invasive peeping in to the brain.

Note: Understanding how different kinds of neuron in the brain work together to implement sensations, feelings, thoughts, and movements, and how deficits in specific kinds of neuron result in brain diseases, has long been a priority in basic and clinical neuroscience. In optogenetics  targeted cells are infused with a gene that directs the production of a light-sensitive protein (derived from algae or other microbes) that can then turn brain cells on or off in response to a focused light signal.These molecules are microbial opsins, seven-transmembrane proteins adapted from organisms found throughout the world, which react to light by transporting ions across the lipid membranes of cells in which they are genetically expressed. This“illuminates” the brain, enabling researchers to manipulate electrical activity. This process however doesn't give the picture of the brain in it's entirety. Hence, Clarity was developed to fill in the gaps.
CLARITY is the process which makes the brain transparent, by building a hydrogel inside the brain, removing lipids that make the brain opaque. This allows scientists to study the wiring of a three-dimensional brain in its entirety, without having to laboriously dissect and reassemble tissues as has been the practice.Clarity has been developing faster than optogenetics for it's enhanced results.
As an aside, I could not keep myself away from writing the next few lines which may appear to be thoughts of a delirious person. Since my childhood, whichever painting or printing I have seen of the Godly figures of any religion, there was one thing which was common to all paintings and prints; the halo around the head, a brightness in the heart area and rays of light coming out from the palms of the Godly figure in the blessing posture. I am sure that this is not a thing limited to my era. I have seen books with my grandparents which had the same depiction of Godly figures. I believe that these images have been passed down to us over generations in one form or the other. I think that our sages had the knowledge of the energy fields and the knowledge that these energy fields become stronger  when one lives truly. We are probably not discovering anything, we are researching and rediscovering
With this thought


Phir milenge


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