Sunday 4 September 2016

Attracting Abundance

- 112 -

The Law

Belief - XXIV

The research work was intensely focused on the belief of genetic determination and since this was the core belief the research work was also extensively funded around this belief. The identification of genes associated with different things became a regular matter. Genes were identified with color of eyes, depression, memory and everything. With these associations, the biologists made another blunder. They lost sight of the fact that being associated with a phenomena does not necessarily mean that the associated gene caused the phenomena. It is like saying the this laptop that I am using to write this post is the cause behind this post. The fact is the laptop is associated in writing the post, and I am controlling the laptop.

The question that who or what controlled the activities of the genes remained unanswered till almost 1990 s when research work started proving that when a gene product is needed, a signal from the environment activates expression of that gene (Nijhout,H.F. 1990 Bioessays).

It is time to make a short recap of what we had learnt in our posts on cellular biology. WE had learnt that:
  • cells are made up of four types of macro (large) molecules - lipids, proteins, polysaccharides,(complex sugar compounds) and nucleic acids (DNA?RNA). Protein is the work horse and one of the most important constituents.
  • Proteins are made up of amino acids. There are twenty types of amino acids.
  • The amino acid molecules are in series, in different combinations for different types of proteins, by peptide bonds. Visualize a necklace made of beads.
  • The amino acid chains are extremely flexible and can adopt different shapes easily, like a snake, but finally adopt a shape in which the chain is most stable.
  • The final shapes that an amino acid chain adopts depends on:the electromagnetic charge among the linked amino acid molecules. (Note: The amino acid molecules are either positively charged or negatively charged. As per the Laws of electomagnetism, particles with like charged attract each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other). Consider that an amino acid chain is residing in a stable position.after following this law. Now if something happens to change the charge of one amino acid molecule, the chain will try and change its shape based on the new charge and flex itself to take a new shape (conformation) in such a way that the like charged molecules are farthest apart from each other. This flexing or movement of the amino acid chain or protein molecules is harnessed to do work providing energy for respiration, digestion, movement of muscles etc. The charge of amino acid molecule can be changed by removal or addition of a charged atoms (ions) with the help of an enzyme (catalyst), binding other molecules such as hormones or external intrusions such as electromagnetic field generated by cell phones.
  • The protein molecules, which are complementary - physically and energetically - can gear together like gears in a gear box. So when one protein moves in the geared complex of proteins, it moves the other proteins locked in the gear complex. So more work is done. More energy is available. Such movements go on endlessly inside the cytoplasm, maybe thousands of time every second. The cells employ this energy for specific metabolic and behavioral functions driving life.
So it is the movement of proteins and protein gears, caused by the change in electromagnetic charge in the protein molecule which in turn is caused by environmental signals, that is responsible for behavior generating movements and not the genetic code.

In 1910, it was discovered that the hereditary information was contained in chromosomes which became visible at the point of cell division. In 1944, the finding was further refined to narrow down the hereditary content  to the DNA (Avery, O.T. et al 1944, Journal of Experimental Medicine). That the DNA contains the hereditary code was confirmed experimentally when the DNA of one bacteria was isolated and added to a different bacteria and the second bacteria started showing signs of hereditary traits of the first bacteria.

Walter and Crick revealed the structure of double helix of the DNA in 1953. It was also revealed that through a process of separating the two strands of the double helix, DNA molecules could replicate themselves.

The question was what caused the separation of the two strands? The "considered" opinion was that the DNA controlled its own replication. This became a dogma of the modern biology - an inviolable rule. To recap, we have learnt that the blueprint in the DNA is ultimately translated to proteins via mRNA, tRNA etc. Because the character of a a living person is determined by nature of proteins as the proteins provide for structure and behavior of cell and therefore represents the physical body, and the DNA has the blueprint for the protein, it was concluded that DNA determines the traits of a person. In essence this conclusion has an underlying meaning: the DNA to protein information flow in one-way information flow is one way. That is in no way can the proteins in your physical body and the life experiences can send information to the DNA and alter DNA. The conclusion; DNA controls you and the reverse is not possible. We will see subsequently that this conclusion was not correct.


till next time


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