Friday, 20 May 2016

- 63 -

The Law

Revisiting - VII

In my steel industry days, I had a colleague, Akaash (name changed). He was assigned to our company by our Joint Venture Partner. After interacting with Akaash a few times, I could preceive that he loves innovating. My company's job description of the organisational positions demanded that Akaash gets involved in primarily routine jobs. I had to rejig the Job Description for Akaash so that he could focus on innovating most of the time and spend lesser time on routine jobs. The ratio was almost four to one. 

Akaash did wonders. He started innovating new equipments and products and he implemented one innovation after other. These innovations resulted into significant cost saving for the company and imroved safety standards. Some of his innovations were path breaking ones. Akaash had found work which excited him, which he loved, where he found joy. He excelled. He proved the point again that if one engages in work that he loves, then that work is not work but an opportunity to create. I am sure that Akaash will soon create a new and better career for him founded on his love for innovation and move towards abundance. Engage yourself in work that you love to do. You may not be able to do so immediately, but your self development and learning should be in that direction. The great part of such an engagement is that you will put in lot of effort, and believe me you will put in a lot, without feeling the stress associated with effort. Everyday of you life shall be a joyful one, an energising one. 

The Law say that you will attract what you desire with all your being. The Law says that when you desire something, with full faith and intensity, the Universe conspires to provide you that.  Do not interpret this as meaning that only desiring will bring forth what you want. The desire has to be followed up with action with perseverance. Simply setting an intention is not end all. Setting an intention is part of the process.When you desire something intensely and with full faith, you will start noticing new opportunities, you will start connecting with the best of mentors and coaches suiting to your requirement,. The Universe will align with your desire and point to you doors and create conditions favorble to you. You have to sow the seed, water the plant, protect the plant from predators and fertilise the plant to finally get fruit. You have to act.

I recommend strongly to read the book Psych Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. The reader will understand the importance of self image. A makeover does not necessarily guarantee abundance. But a makeover helps significantly in improving the self confidence which coupled with a correct mindset facilitates the  journey to abundance. What is it in your physique that is affecting your self image - bad breath, stammering, bulging tummy, bad teeth, squint eyes, some physical disability? If it is possible for you to correct the defect, and most of them are, go ahead and remove the defect.If they can not be corrected, accept them. Do what you can to look refreshed. Wear clean clothes. Put fresh flowers in your house and place of work.

Attitude of gratitude is one emotion which helps greatly in attracting abundance. You need not, and must not, wait for something good to happen in future, for being grateful. Be thankful for what you have now, where you are now and how you are now. There are many others who are not as privileged as you. We need to develop a habit for being thankful for things which we take for granted. Make it a point say thank you as many times a day as possible, for services received, how so ever small they may be, for new learning, for having a home, for having a family etc. Make a habit of looking out for opportunities to thank someone.


শীঘ্রই আবার দেখা হবে


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