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The Law
Revisiting - XXX
I will recapitulate the most important softer issues to be remembered and internalised for moving to abundance.
1. Do no waste your "now'. Use every now to the fullest. A "now" wasted is irreplaceable.
2. Learn to develop an Attitude of Gratitude. Follow a minimum of these two steps:
- Either before going to sleep or just after waking up, express your heartfelt gratitude for all that you have now. Let these expressions of gratitude be your first or last emotion of the day.
- During the course of the day, look for opportunities to thank people. I underscore the words "look for opportunities". That is a very positive action.
4. You will attract what you give your attention to. The Law is neutral. If you focus on positive outcomes, you will attract positive results. The same is true for negative outcomes.
5. You give attention to your desire by affirmations, visualisations, predominant thoughts and actions. When you send energy to your desires by these means, the energy around the desire grows by attracting complementary energy manifesting the desire.
- your thoughts, your beliefs and your words should complement your desire.
- the intensity of your actions, arising out of and complimenting your desires, boosts the energy around your desire no end.
6. Do not wait for big bang opportunities for making the big leap. Take small actions - more on this later. Make winning a habit with these small actions. The big opportunity will unfold itself.
The lack of actions keeps you away from your dreams. Every action has a reaction. It is the fear of that reaction that makes us sluggish in taking action. Every action requires effort. It is our laziness that makes us procrastinate. The small actions, that I recommend, prevents stagnation. These also set you up for easy wins and builds your success psyche. The small actions set you up for moving to abundance, albeit in small steps. You can gradually raise the bar on the largeness of your actions.
What small actions am I harping on? let us looks at some of the examples for small actions:
- writing a note or an email to one of your friends for reconnecting with your friend.
- write a small birthday wish to each of your friends on their birthdays
- invest two hours every week researching and preparing for your supplementary income stream
- remove junks and unused files from your lap top once every month
- invest 30 minutes everyday for meeting one of your employee everyday.
- brush your shoes everyday before moving out.
Make yourself a winner. Start small, turn big.
I will end this post with a personal example on small actions. It was a winter morning in 1990s, that I sat down and did my first planning for five major expenses that would come up in near future. I must say that that I should have ideally planned this at least a decade back. The five major future expenditures were related to providing best of education to my two sons, their marriages and providing professional level education to under privileged children, which was one of my primary desires for abundance. The task appeared to be daunting, as I was not earning much and the bug had not bit me. In retrospect, this was probably the day the bug bit me.
Instead of getting overwhelmed by the tasks ahead of me, I took a small step. I opened three saving bank accounts. I earmarked the first one for my sons' education, the second one for my sons' marriage and the third one for education of other children. I vowed to deposit Rs. 3000 every month in the first account, and Rs 2000 each in the other two accounts. I also vowed to deposit half of my annual bonus in all three accounts in a suitable proportion. However, subsequently the amount of deposits became much bigger as I grew in abundance. By 2001 I was ready with funds for higher education of my elder son and by 2005 for higher education of my younger son. Likewise I was ready for their marriage expenses when the time came.
By 1995, I had started funding education of other children in a small way. By 2000, the scale became larger and the real boost happened from 2005.
The small action of opening the savings bank account did two things - i gave me a definiteness of purpose and action and I transmitted my belief in manifesting my desires to the universe. This in turn helped me push my boundaries.
მალე გნახავ
male gnakhav
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